The Linux Lady

Hello and Failte!

Welcome to the site of Faye Mitchell, aka "The Linux Lady". As you may gather from the title of this site, I'm heavily into computers, and Linux in particular. My "mundane" life involves, being the Deputy Head of the School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics at Coventry University. Before that I was a Principal Lecturer at Oxford Brookes University where I lectured primarily in AI, Machine Learning, cyber security, computer systems, IT management, networks and distributed systems and where I acquired the title "that linux lady" from several of my students.

The main purpose of the and domains is to give me an email address(es) for my cyber security, IT management, and systems work and research, but someday I might even get round to putting up information about my current projects relating to my teaching and research in these areas.

NOTE: although I do research in cyber security, this domain is nothing to do with the LinuxLady virus - this domain and site were in use long before that virus was written.